Welcome to another week in the school of money, today we will continue our series as we begin with the five groups of people that do not need financial education .


1.     The Inheritance Group

If your parents are billionaires or you came from an elite family where you have inherited a huge estate and wealth and you have people who are paid to help you manage it, then you may settle for a life of financial ignorance and just keep eating of the labours of others – if that is your choice. It is your life but I hope you aim for more than a life of mediocrity.

2.     The Marriage Group

If you are married for money or married into money, and your spouse or their family is loaded enough to take care of your needs, wants and luxuries etc and you are okay with just being a parasite and a consumer without bringing anything to the table, then settling for financial ignorance is definitely an option in your package, if you so desire. I only wish you don’t fall into this group or stay in this group without changing.

3.     The Genius Group

If you are born a genius with extra ordinary talent and ability that you have even started making money from childhood, and you pay others to manage your finances for you, then you fall into the category of people that may settle for financial ignorance. People cheating or defrauding you won’t also matter since you believe you don’t need financial education.

4.     The Pension Group

If you plan to work for the government and be a civil servant for life or you are okay with the rat race and the golden handcuff so you want to work for your entire life and retire to live on pension, then you qualify to be in this group of people who can settle for financial ignorance. What financial education do you need to collect and consume salary and pension – not much I believe? So sad, if you settle for it.

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5.     The Carefree Group

If you don’t really care whether you are rich or poor and creating wealthy or financial freedom does not matter to you then of course you can settle for financial ignorance. I don’t think you need any intelligence to become poor or stay poor. If you choose poverty, who am I to question your choice, but I hope for your children sake that you don’t settle for this level of life.

The old school/obsolete education

To continue in the world of education that is irrelevant and incomplete is to stay in the expired old school. Any education that does not empower you to create wealth is old school education and it is obsolete. Any education that does not let you know of all the options and choices available to you in life is incomplete and old school education.

The game is the same but the rules have changed:

In the world of love – the game is the same but the rules have changed.

In the world of finance – the game is the same but the rules have changed

In the world of success – the game is the same but the rules have changed etc.

Keep your dream alive’