Paul Orude, Bauchi

The police in Bauchi State have identified the identity of a man whose dead body was found in the state capital.

Identified as Mr. Benjamin Sule, 41, the deceased reportedly hailed from Apa Local Government Area of Benue State  and was a former staff of MTN at the Bauchi office.

Sule, Daily Sun learnt, left his house  at Rafin Makaranta, opposite the School of Armour, Bauchi, on Sunday, July 1 2018, to see a group of persons who called him at Gwallameji area of the city. That was the last time he was seen alive.

His elder brother, Mr. Friday  Sule, said that Benjamin went missing for two days and was found dead.

He said  When he been tried his brother’s mobile phone number for two days without response, he decided to check at his residence, but unfortunately, he was told by his neighbours that he had not returned for two days.

Friday Sule said that the following day, being a Wednesday, he laid a complaint at the Yelwa Police Division and later got a call from the police that a dead body was found at a hill behind Gwallameji area and was asked to come and identify if it was his brother.

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“When I got to the police station, I was shown a picture of my brother corpse laid on stone at the hill. Immediately I saw the picture, I recognised him and told the police he was the one that was missing for two days”

It was gathered from one of his neighbours, who pleaded anonymity, that some persons called the deceased on his phone earlier that Sunday to tell him to meet them at Gwallameji.

“On that Sunday evening, he told my elder sister that some persons called him at Gwallameji that he was going to see them.

“He even collected her battery and put it inside his phone because he had low battery. He told her that he did not want the people to think he switched off his phone that was why he borrowed my sister’s battery,” he said.

Confirming the incident, the state’s Police Public Relation Officer, DSP Kamal Datti Abubakar, said that on July 4, 2018, the police attached to Yelwa Division, received an information from good Samaritans that they saw a dead body of an  adult man lying down on top of a hill.

“On receiving of the information, the police team rushed to the scene and removed the dead body to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital for autopsy to ascertain the actual cause of his death. No mark of violence was seen on his body,” the PPRO said.

He said that the case was under investigation and further development will be communicated to the press in due course.

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