birds usually increase their level of feed intake to generate heat and stay warm during winter.
However, for a farmer, increasing the level of feed provision raises the cost of production besides wastage of nutrients that are not needed for heat generation.
To reduce costs and avoid wastage, energy rich sources like oil/fat should be added to the diet or level of other nutrients may be reduced keeping the energy at same level.
In free-range system, provide supplementary feeding to the birds to meet their nutrient deficit. Consider providing your birds with warm water periodically during this rainy season to encourage consumption and help them keep warm without using up energy reserved in the process.
With the rain, birds may encounter standing water (mostly in free-range) and end-up drinking from the ground leading to parasitic infestation from intestinal worms.
De-wormers administered after every three months help in management of worms but you should remember the product withdrawal period as specified by the manufacturer.
Poultry house should be designed in such a way that it provides all the comfort required by birds during cold season while considering ventilation as well.
In regions where it rains heavily, the floor should be raised with a generous roof overhang, particularly over the entrance.
The raised floor can be a solid platform of earth to prevent floods. Orientation of a building with respect to wind and sun consequently influence temperature and light on different external surfaces. With better management, your flock will remain healthy and productive throughout the cold season.

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