Ten years after she hit Nollywood, the actress known as Nurse Titi (Nkechi Emmanuel) has definitely come a long way staring in movies like Black Bird, When You Are Mine, Most Wanted Nurses, Ghetto Republic, Black Cat and Adaora among others. However, her career got a major boot safter she starred in popular TV sitcom, Clinic Matters and earned her the sobriquet, Nurse Titi. In a chat with Entertainer, the Anambra-State-born actress opens up on her career and her dream man.


Tell us about your background?

I am Nkechi Emmanuel aka N.K Sexy but some people still call me Nurse Titi till date. I am from Anambra state. I am a graduate of History & International Relations and I graduated in early 2014 from the Lagos State University (LASU).

How did you venture into acting?

I started acting from childhood. I was always featuring in school and church dramas as a child. Whenever I was evicted from the cast of a drama presentation I cried so much I fell sick. And I wouldn’t recover until I was allowed to participate again. I did this until I graduated from secondary school and immediately after that I told my mum I wanted to go ahead with acting professionally and she didn’t argue it with me for once. Probably she didn’t want me falling sick again (laughter). She encouraged me and supported me. But initially, my dad was not down with it and he rejected the idea. He wanted me to be a lawyer but when he saw the zeal and passion in me, he eventually gave in and supported me. Today he is my number one fan and all my siblings are also in support.

How was your growing up like?

Growing up was very interesting. I grew up in Lagos with my family. I had the best any child could ever wish for. In one word, my growing up was superb! If I could turn back the hands of time, I will go back to my growing up years and relive those beautiful moments all over again.

What were the challenges you faced as up-and-coming actress?

That was when I initially started. I was hopping from one audition to another without knowing if I could get a role. It wasn’t easy jumping from one Okada to the other just to beat the time for the next audition. And when I arrived sometimes I remember sometimes over 400 names would have been written on the audition list. Sometime I attended three to four auditions in just a day in different and distant locations. However, despite the challenges, something just kept pushing me to keep going and I kept doubling my hustle and I thank God I didn’t give up and here I am giving my testimony today.

What is the latest movie you starred in and what did you like about the character?

At the moment I am on the set of Recozee Productions shooting. The movie is entitled Warri Langua and I am playing the role of Natasha. We are shooting in Warri. I have always loved Warri and its people. The Pidgin English and the way they speak caught my attention and attracted me to them. I was so happy to have landed such a role and to be part of a Pidgin English film coming from the capital of Pidgin English, Warri. I read and fell in love with the script and it got me cracking up. My character is so hilarious. I am playing the role of a polish girl who learns to speak the Warri Langua and ends up speaking it even better than the native speakers as she picks up the Urhobo language. I am also shooting Dead Alive.

What is your selling point as an actress?

Wow! That is my smile, my figure and of course, my sexy legs.

A lot of men would hardly take their eye of you, how do you handle your male fans?

I do my best to make them understand that there is a boundary they cannot exceed. And I do it in a polite way such that there is no misunderstanding.

What is the craziest thing a male fan has done to you?

There is this guy who still calls and writes me every day and wants to take me out on a date. But like I said earlier, I had to draw the line. Some see me being beaten up in movies and really want to meet with the guys and fight him physically (laughter).

Is marriage still far or near?


Are you into any relationship now and who is the lucky man?

This is private to me please. Thanks

What does sex mean to you?

Bond between husband and wife!

Does that mean you hardly have sex except you’re in relationship?

Not necessarily. I don’t have it in every relationships; it depends.

Who is your ideal man?

My ideal man should be God fearing, caring, romantic, hard working, neat, smart, rich, tall, handsome and educated.

Could you marry someone in the same industry with you?

Yes, I can if God says he is the right one for me.

Have you been heartbroken and what happened?

No, it was not case of heartbreak for me. It just didn’t work out. It was my learning curve and wouldn’t allow such mistake to repeat itself again.

Who is your celebrity crush and what do you like about him?

Wow! They are much. Where do I want to start from? I will say Patoranking because he is focused and good at what he does! In the movie industry, Alex Ekubo is my crush because he is cute and has great passion for his work.

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