My elder brother who is 34 years old was diagnosed of schizophrenia at the age of 22 and has been on medications and is relatively stable. However, recently, he developed high blood pressure.

This his condition has taken a very heavy toll on him and also us, his relatives. The discrimination against us is worrisome. My questions are: Is schizophrenia the cause of the hypertension? Will hypertension worsen his condition? How can we manage this two conditions at the same time?




Hypertension is a medical condition just like diabetes, asthma and it can coexist with any other medical condition including schizophrenia.

At the moment, there is not concrete evidence linking schizophrenia to hypertension. Some drugs used in the management of schizophrenia such as clozapin are known to cause hypotension as a side effect.

If you have family history of hypertension, it is possible your brother may have what is called ‘Essential hypertension’.

Hypertension does not worsen the outcome of schizophrenia but just like any other medical condition, if left unmanaged it could affect the heart and lead to other complications

Blaming one another for the illness of your brother does not help, neither should the fact of the severity of schizophrenia lead to pessimism.

Your doctor (psychiatrist and internal physician) will decide on how best to manage him and which drugs will be suitable for him to have a positive and productive life.

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However, the following tips will help you in managing him ;

Do not feel ashamed because your brother has this condition. It is a medical condition just like diabetes and asthma.

Do not feel guilty or blame someone for this.

Educate yourself about his condition. Learn more about his symptoms and early warning signs such as poor sleep and social withdrawal which may indicate an impending relapse

Encourage him to stay on his medications for both schizophrenia and hypertension. Good drug compliance helps and is important in his pathway to healing.

Establish a daily routine for him to follow by encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Good sleep, regular exercise following doctor’s advice, healthy meals, among others.

Assure him of your support, make him understand that he is not facing the illness alone.

Avoid harsh words, critical comments, emotional over involvement and hostility towards him.

Compliment achieved goals without being too effusive in your praise.

Caring for someone with schizophrenia and hypertension can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Take out time yourself, relax and do fun things whenever you can.