Being in a relationship with the right person is beautiful, but it is no secret that relationships are tricky too. Even if you feel like you have found the right person for you, sometimes, it can be hard to find the right balance between closeness and personal space.
While that fine line is different for everyone, if you find yourself tending towards the clingy side, you need to reel in that clinginess before you suffocate your partner.
Below are ways to give your partner some room so that your relationship can flourish.
Work on trust issues you have
It can sound like a no-brainer, but it’s incredibly important to trust your partner. If you don’t trust him or her, then it will be impossible to let your partner have the space to be who he or she really is. Not having trust in your significant other can make him or her feel less secure about the relationship and lead to feelings of resentment.
Trust is key to maintaining a good, long-term relationship that will make both of you happy. Placing trust in your partner can mean anything from not constantly asking where he or she is during the day, to reminding yourself that even getting frustrated with this new step is good for your relationship, even when it doesn’t seem like it is.
Give your partner their space
Love does not mean you and your partner need to be attached at the hip. For many couples, too much closeness can put a strain on the relationship. While sharing thoughts, feelings, space, whatever is definitely good in any relationship, too much sharing can make your significant other feel trapped.
No one wants to suffocate in a relationship. It’s best to give your partner the space he or she needs. That way, your partner is less likely to associate your relationship with negative feelings, which makes the relationship stronger in the long run.
Focus on yourself
Take some time to really centre your thoughts on yourself. When you spend time alone with yourself, you reveal to your significant other that you are not dependent on him or her for your happiness. Dependency can lead to one partner feeling more responsible in the relationship than the other, which can lead to major problems in the future.
Build up confidence in yourself
Self-confidence can go a long way in ensuring that you feel good in a relationship. People with more self-confidence are less likely to cling to others as a way of validating themselves. Consider practicing positive thinking and self-love. If you respect and love yourself, it makes it that much easier for others to do the same.
Manage your anxiety
If you are prone to anxiety or nerves, it can be easy to turn to your partner as a way to ease that discomfort. However, this can make your partner feel too responsible for your happiness, and can be an inconstant way to manage your feelings.
Instead, try turning that anxiety into something positive and consistent, such as a daily ritual or activity. Simply doing habitual tasks can ease anxious feelings and leave you with more positive energy to put into the relationship. If you find yourself chronically anxious or with feelings that cannot be managed easily, speak to a doctor.
Keep your body language in check
Clinginess can be physical, just as much as it can be emotional and psychological. If you find yourself constantly needing to touch your partner, even as a reassurance that they are still there, it can be problematic. Some people may feel physically held back or reserved if they are touched too much, so make sure you are respecting your partner’s boundaries.
Pursue what interests you
Clinginess can often become a problem for those whose lives centre solely around their partner. It’s important to prioritize your own goals and interests. Not only do these give you something to focus your attention on, but they also provide a healthy outlet for your energy.
Instead of focusing too much on your partner, try turning it more towards something constructive. This will give your significant other a little breathing room, while still maintaining a balanced relationship.
Develop your social networking
Often, clinginess can derive from too much of one thing. If you feel like your significant other is the only person you see anymore, it might be a sign that you need to diversify your social scene. Whether it’s going out with friends, joining a club, or just paying your parents a visit, getting out there and talking to other people can help steer you away from clingy behaviour.

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