From Oluseye Ojo, Ibadan

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The Nigerian Customs Services (NCS), Oyo/Osun Area Command, has intercepted 15 vehicles laden with assorted contraband goods, including used clothes and rice, with a total duty paid value (DPV) of N23.3 million.
The command’s controller, Mr. Emmanuel Udo-Aka, disclosed this when he briefed newsmen on the achievements of the command in Ibadan on Wednesday.
The vehicles, according to him, were impounded on June 17, 2017, in the Saki axis of the state, in synergy with the headquarters’ compliance team and Customs intelligence unit of Oyo axis.
The command also intercepted a MAN Diesel truck, with registration number LSD 445 XU, that concealed 162 pieces of used tyres and 272 pieces of vehicle wheels.
The truck was intercepted along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway on June 9, 2017, and the DPV of the truck was N2,881,016, the DPV on the used tyres was N1,100,257, while the DPV of the vehicle wheels was N1,587,936.
Udo-Aka disclosed that: “It is imperative to restate that, based on the current fiscal policy of the Federal Government, no vehicle and rice is to be imported through the land borders.”

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