Call it Bacardi and Coke, or Rum and Coke, it is one of the most common cocktails served, alongside Jack and Coke, and vodka and soda. A brilliantly simple drink, the rum and coke is actually a simplification of a classic cocktail called the Cuba Libre which dates back to the Spanish American War. During the war Americans packed their ships with Coca-Cola because the traditionally stimulating qualities of the original formula helped in the fight.

In Cuba, rum is the dominant beverage and American soldiers mixed this rum with their Coke and lime to make a deliciously addictive drink. The cocktail formally got its name when in 1898 General Russell used the drink for his toast to celebrate the liberation of Cuba from the Spanish. The toast was “Cuba Libre!” and the name stuck.

During the Cuban missile crisis the drink fell out of favour – no one was really interested in celebrating anything Cuban. The drink became known as Bacardi and Coke, or simply rum and Coke. During this transition the drink was often simplified with the essential lime dropped from the equation, and the Bacardi Gold rum was dropped in favour of the lighter Bacardi Superior.

A good Cuba Libre is more than just throwing rum and Coke in a glass. By assembling the ingredients in a specific order and using an aged rum like Bacardi Gold, you can create something that transcends the simple rum and Coke.




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Tall glass


   .Squeeze a lime into a tall glass, add 2 or 3 ice cubes.

   .Pour in the rum.

   .Drop in one of the spent lime shells and fill with cold Coca-Cola.

   .Stir briefly.